A very old hunting scene

This old palette for grinding eye make up, provides us with one of the oldest depictions of a hunt as well of a person from the Nile Valley. The boat has low prows indicating it wasn't made of papyrus, but rather wood. A man is standing in it holding a rope to a harpoon just trewn into a hippo. His shoulders are seen from the front, just like it later would be in Egypt art where kings were depicted hunting hippos through all times.
The steering oar is of a paddel-like old type and the small cabin is square like on vessels from Upper Egypt. Also present are another hippo (far left), an ostrich looking left and facing down plus a hyena(?) on its back facing left close to the right of the bird's feet (biting?).
(In the colletion of Medelhavsmuséet, Stockholm, Sweden).