Anonymous Pyramid in South Sakkara (#0626)
 Anounymous pyramid at Sakkara South possibly from king Aya of dyn. XIII.
This quite big pyramid with an elaborated substructure once had a core made of sun dried mud bricks and a casing of yel-low limestones.
Its superstructure was not fini- shed when the owner died.
Almost all rooms are lined with fine white limestone decorated with black stripes, an rare way of adorning a tomb.
The entrance is west and the corridor has three stones plugs (in green) for sealing the tomb.
At the end are two rooms (red) presumably for the king and his first queen, and attached is a big antechamber or lounge.
The superstructure is very alike the one from Mazghuna North (dynasty 12) and from pharaoh Amenyqemau (dynasty 13).
The whole building was once enclosed by a mud brick wall.